Rules of Procedure 6th Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System
Chapter I Article 1st - The Meeting will be
held in two plenary sessions: the First Session, on March 23th and the Second Session,
Chapter II The central theme of the Meeting is "development perspectives for the third millennium in Latin America and the Caribbean".
Chapter III Article 3rd - The Meeting on March 23td will be divided into two parts: The First part will have the First Plenary Session and the Second part of the meeting working groups will meet. The First Plenary Session will have panels on topics related with the "virtual libraries in health". In this Part, the comments and suggestions will be registered by the Meetings Rapporteur for future analysis and effective implementation in the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information. Article 4th - The Meeting on March 24th will have the Second Plenary Session that will be composed by two panels: an devoted free topics of interest to the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System, and another devoted the future projection of the one System. In the closure the recommendations of the Meeting will be presented.
Chapter IV Article 5th - The Plenary Sessions will be coordinated by the Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System. The Panels will be coordinated to a member of the System. Each Panel will be composed by: a coordinator, a secretary, a rapporteur and panelists. The General Coordinator will have 10 minutes to present the objectives and structure of the Plenary Sessions, and 20 minutes for the conclusions in the Closure Session. Coordinators will have 5 minutes to install the panel and 5 minutes for closing. Panelists will have 15 minutes for their presentations.
The Coordinator of the Panel will: a) open the Panel;
The Secretary will: a) make notes on relevant points that could
help preparation of recommendations;
The Rapporteurs will: a) make notes on relevant considerations and
prepare a report of the Panel;
The Panelists will: a) present their paper, discuss the theme and
answer to the questions;
Chapter V Article 5th - Working groups will be composed of representatives of libraries or centers participating in the sub-networks established within the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information System. Their deliberations will be submitted for approval to the Plenary and to BIREME, as coordinating Center of the System.
The following working groups will be constituted: