Costa Rica multimedia workshop Susanne Stensaas
This sampler document made by Suzanne Stensaas and tested March23, 1998 for CRICS IV Meeting in San Jose. This list will not be updated and thus some of the links will become obsolete. Such is the nature of the WWW.
Invitation to next "Slice of Life and Computers in Healthcare Education Symposium" Slice of Life 1998 Conference, June 23-27, 1998, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. A group of educators and developers share ideas on interface design, new technology, evaluation, faculty development, curricular integration. There are two days of preworkshops some of which are hands on and 2.5 days of presenations, demonstrations and breakout sessions. The abstracts of the program will be posted here. Will be online by April 15.
Spanish Language Most are hospitals and Universities. The major focus is not education. Lists sites by country. Only one or two have image resources Catholoic University of Chile, PUC Excellent collection of images in semiología.
Locating Software: Commercial, University, Reviews Login Brothers bookstore in Chicago. They have a print catalogue of software which they can mail you. Login Brothers Book Company, 1910 W. Harrison, Chicago, IL 60612, Phone : 1 -800- 621-3314, FAX : (312)432-7701. http://www.lb.com/lmcb. Their web site is good and they have a big list of titles. They give a good description and have a great order form system. They will notify you of new arrivals; I wrote the webmaster and asked that they have a choice of only notifying you about electronic products in certain disciplines. You can not browse the all electronics all at once, you have to do a subject, author, or publ. search. Still it is nice. A web site that markets or redistributes software from various publishers. It is by subject area too and appears to be quite useful. I take the name and other info and get more info on Login Brothers site (below). Available in print and on disk. I have not checked it. It is a bookstore that sells software, like Login Brothers. There is a lot that does not cross the Atlantic. U. Michigan Software Catalogue This catalogue is about 2 years old and is also available in print and on floppy disk. "Software for Health Sciences Education: A resource Catalog." Learning Resource Center University of Michigan Medical Center, 1135 E. Catherine Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0726. Hard copy or electronic version. Cost is about $50. The seventh edition, 1996 is described at: http://www.med.umich.edu/lrc/catalog/catalog.html I am not sure if they have funds to continue updating this, a big chore. Medical Education Software, Evaluation This site is managed physician for medical students and residents. Has links to the commercial sites. Says it has reviews, but not that many are really reviews, some are links to commercial sites. The reviewers dont give their names Evaluation Database of Medical Educational Software This is what we should really suppport and use. I am guilty of not doing so. Univ. Washington Educational Resources The interactive brain atlas, atlas of hematology, videodiscs, etc. come from here. CTICM Guide to Software and Resources or alternate Detailed listing as of 1997. This gives you access to most of the UK software. However, the database does not seem to be up there now. CTI Centre for Medicine located at University of Bristol produces a "Guide to Software and Resources for Computer Based Learning," March 1996, 3rd edition. All the information in the printed guide is accessible on the CTICM WWW site http://www.ets.bris.ac.uk/cticm/course.htm. You can search the database by discipline or by specialty. National Center of Emergency Medicine Medicine-related web sites related to software of interest to emergency physicians. New or significantly changed sites are added at the top of the list. The selection of sites and their order is purely arbitrar Medical Software Reviews for subscribers Info on how to subscribe. $25/yr online. Very good reviews. Available in print too. A publication I find useful is "Medical Software Reviews" published by Healthcare Computing, 462 Second St., Brooklyn, NY 11215 email: 76702.1724@compuserve.com or http://www.healthcarecomputing.com This publication includes billing, office management, CME and medical education. The reviews are very good. Sub. rates are $117 / yrear for printed copy. Group on Educational Affairs, GEA computer SIG So. Ill. Site managed by Ken Williamson. Good links to testing and evaluation software Print only. "The Interactive Healthcare Newsletter" comes out 6 times a year from Stewart Publishing stewartpub@aol.com. It focuses on Patient and consumer ed, nursing and medical. Also lists web sites. Stewart Publishing also has other health care directories and an annual workshop. They have various electronic directories you can buy on CD or disk. StewartPub@aol.com "Medicine on the Net" published by COR Healthcare Resources http://www.mednet-i.com is a great place for finding out about new web sites and other issues regarding the net. Subscription is $99/year, issued monthly. Another magazine is "e.MD" published by McGraw-Hill Healthcare Information Group. Brian Bergeron, MD and former multimedia producer as a medical student, is the editor. I think it is free and they are eager for contributions. In 1996, the circulation manager was Kathleen Kimball-Baker kkimball@mcgraw-hill.com
Resources for (Clip Art) for in-house use. Check the individual sites for restrictions on external use
Fair Use Guidelines for Multimedia Published in the congressional record Examples of hands from which to diagnose diseases Huge site with search engine Thousand of pictures, also available on CD ROM Catholoic University of Chile, PUC Excellent collection of images in semiología. Medical Images Digitized References Database Jill Szuscikiewicz head of project similar to knowledge weavers multimedia library , in concept. While this should become an excellent site, there are currently to images available from Massachusetts General, San Francisco General and U. Mass. Hospitals. 3 sizes. All for teaching.
No restrictions on Educational use Everything here is shareware for medical education. Cornell University Medical College Education Center Home Page Most are pathology images integrated with text in section called Cornell Med Path Notes or short Pahthophysiology cases with pathology and radiology images.
Posting a question to a Listserver Medical Education and Technology software developers and users. You must subscribe and then you get automatic mailing. I often post a question here when I am looking for software. This is run by Al Salas at the AAMC and the focus is Medical Education Research and development of Educational Technology. You can sign up for the list at the AAMC web site. We should post info on jewels there as we come across them. http://www.aamc.org/meded/software/listserv.htm
Slice of Life / Knowledge Weavers Related Eccles Online Catalog features hot links to journal tables of contents, multimedia resources (e.g., images from the Slice of Life videodisc) Not generally out yet. Please use if you like. Url's will move to main Knowledge Weavers site when released. Everything here is Shareware Prototype of quality of images digitized from the videodisc Multimedia Library: Neuroanatomy/S.Stensaas, O.E.Millhouse Slice of Life 1998 Conference, Tampa, Florida Slice of Life 1997 Conference, Chicago Slice of Life 1996 Workshop:Multimedia in Health Science Education, Copenhagen
Cornell University Site Related Cornell University Medical College Education Center Home Page Cornell Medical College Virtual Tour This is a temporary location and it will move to the main site when released. Give a view of the new education center designed to integrate computers in the curriculum Cornell University Medical College Education Center Home Page ?? CU-SeeMe?? Cornell University's CU-SeeMe PageInformation Technology Rights and Responsibilities
General and Meta Sites EHTO European Health Telematics Observatory Web sites dealing with health informatics. Main page is www.ehto.be/ Mostly European happenings Cliniweb at Oregon Health Sciences University provides a table of contents and MeSH index to general medical information on the Web. It is well planned and comprehensive, a great starting point. http://www.yourhealthonline.com/ a variety of links for drugs, docs, vets, patient ed, specific diseases. CME, MEDLINE, Education, family med. Links to many other sites. Includes Latin America. Includes country by country sites. have foreign language versions Hardin MD: Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources
Education, General Stanford University frames or templates for secondary education Sample of teaching frog endocrinology. Looks very nice. Could use for medicine 3000 web related sites, some for patients. Those for medical personnel marked. Efectiveness of instructional technology a review of the literature, 1995
Anesthesia GASNet, Global Anes. Server Network Journals, software, video, meetings, book reviews, reference books. Good metasite Simulations Body Simulation - Anesthesia Simulator - Medical Software
Anatomy Gross Anatomy Arkansas Department of Anatomy Human Anatomy On-line - InnerBody.com must have the ADAM CD in your machine to use them, but dont think you have to be connected to the Internet once you have downloaded. ATLAS Gross Anatomy course, Michigan Sold by Visible Productions, Colorado Origin , Insertion, Action. Tables and original art. Knee, TMJ Visible Human Correl. Anatomy demo Done by Mallinckrodt Inst. of Radiol. Images not labeled. Pictures are small and fast HCIL Visible Human Explorer Prototype for browsing the Visible Human Database. Dev. at Univ. of Md.
Histology Histo slides National University of Singapore EM pictures pretty good. H and E terrible. Some labeled and with questions, others not. Describes program with demo to download. Distributed by Visible Productions Not always accessible when in use by students
Biochemistry Workshop Day 1, Molecular Visualization of BioMolecules MoBy: Molec and Cell Biology 3 gigabytes Harry R. Matthews, Professor of Biological Chemistry, UC Davis. 23 =50-minute "virtual lectures"5 CD ROMs and are based on animated graphics = with sound and text, plus a glossary, test questions with answers. called MoBy Chime Resources at U. Mass, Amherst Assembled by Eric Martz fatty acids Phylogeny Metabolism Alignment The real gem here is the list of 660 enzymes by name with links to what they do! Certain to be a time saver on those biochemistry problem sets! Links to the molecular structure info pages Swiss repository PUMA:Interpretation of Genomes PUMA web-based system that offers integrated access to biological data. It is intended as an environment to support the interpretation and presentation of genomes. E.coli. B. subtilis, Homo sapiens, Salmonella, Myoplasma, Saccharo., Enzymology and Metabol 12 computer programs in biochemistry, all handled commercially >by Helix Educational Software. Descriptions and pricing are included in the >attachment. Biochem in German, Richard Marz Cover sPKU etc. PDB, protein data base files Molecular and Cell Biology, Structural Biol Includes links to other sites Molecules from Chemistry at Okanagan University College PDB Sources for RasMol/UMass Amherst Sources of molecules for Rasmole to display Free molecular visualization software
Cases For Training PBL tutors. Car repair case. PDF file needs adobe plugin for netscape Biochemistry compiled by Ken williamson authoring shell for clinical cases, sounds similar to DxR. Dev. U. Iowa, Jim Duncan, Head of the Information Commons, an instructional technology and electronic classroom facility, thinks it is excellent. Digital Resources in Learning, Inc., Joel Gordon, Index of Medical case presentations and teaching files : three categories kids page pediatrics, teaching files disease database with alpha index tests and metafile I incld. spanish,II new additionsIII
Cell Biology/Histology MoBy: Molec and Cell Biology 3 gigabytes Harry R. Matthews, Professor of Biological Chemistry, UC Davis. 23 =50-minute "virtual lectures"5 CD ROMs and are based on animated graphics = with sound and text, plus a glossary, test questions with answers. called MoBy With feedback and interactivity
Copyright Fair use guidelines for multimedia Bookreview, cyberlaw and internet
Internet Resources/some Continuing Medical Education CME web sites, Medical Computing TodayMedConnect: Information Services for the Medical Community Silver Platter Physicians HOme Page (PHP) free CME For subscribers. Each month PHP features at least 10 hours of Categroy 1 CME credits through our Virtual Symposia. CME Online, Inc. Serving the Online Medical Community Link sto specific area of interest (General or link to specific area of interest) Continuing Medical Education Associates Primary care oriented CME courses, also medical multimedia dev and videotapes WebDoctor - Continuing Medical Education MedConnect - Information Services for the Medical Community
Epidemiology, Pub Health, Prevent Med Global Health and Epidemiology, Pittsburgh University
Embryology Jeffrey Hardin of the University of Wisconsin,Department of Zoology, this multimedia tutorial is designed for the undergraduate student. Fertilization, Cleavage, Gastrulation, and Neurulation., QT movies BERP, U Penn embryol to 8 weeks Only overview. Have not figured out how to distribute the whole program
Emergency Medicine National Center for Emergency Med Medicine-related web sites related to software of interest to emergency physicians. New or significantly changed sites are added at the top of the list. The selection of sites and their order is purely arbitrar for ER or ICU simulated cases 28 simulated cases Finding the Path, Brigham and Womens cases for radiology residents,EM docs, medical students A Student's Guide to Emergency Medicine
Ethics, Physician Assisted Suicide medico-legal services including ethical and legal advise The Doctor's Dilemma Ethics, PW Evaluation of ElectronicTechnology Quality Med Software, Frieburg Effectiveness of Instructional Tech Rob Johnston Review paper. Institute for defense analysis
Evaluation of/by Students/Faculty Problem solving practical exam station Might be part of an OSCE. I did not look at it carefully. PDF file. Looks good. Case of chest pain and how to evaluate the student. Med Stud Clinical Skill Performance form Very complete 9 page form AAMC: GEA SIG: Computers: Curriculum Management and Evaluation Clinical performance based exams (PBEs) Richard Rathe. We have clinical performance based exams (PBEs) at the end of the first, second, and third years. We also use PBEs for certain clerkships. these exams reveal weaknesses that were not picked up by other evaluations.
Exams/Quizzes forms Global Brain stem, Wisconsin, Harting The quizzes have images and auditory feedback Question Mark software for sale site Melbourne Biomedical Multimedia Unit Exam processor
Expert Systems
Faculty Development Effectiveness of Instructional Technology A review of the research literature, 1995 TechME, Monash Univ. Med. Ed. Technology For those interested in developing, managing or using educational technology, with a focus on Medical Education. While the site is designed with specific references for Monash University, it is also intended as a national and international resource. Center for Instructional Support, U. Colorado
Genetics/Development Congenital syndromes, inborn erros, other disorders, subspecialties by category Loyola Dan's Gallery of the Grotesque: Turnstile Genetics and Molecular Biology Gene Map Human Genome, article in science Article, 1996 in science showing each gene and major diseases linked to it. Also has images related to the diseases.
Microbiology FDA/CFSAN Introduction to Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural Toxins
Immunology/Virology Virology Sites on WWW, Garry Lab at Tulane From Tulane National Jewish Med Facts Subject List Lung, Allergy, Immune Virology: Lecture Notes, Leiscester, UK plant, emerging, RNA, transforming, suppressor prteins, cell transformation. Freeman Press molecules for immuno book Rotating molecules, need special chime plug in
Internal Medicine Carriari Site, San Juan Hospital, Costa Rica Rheumatology hands to diagnose Dermatology Image Bank, Germany Huge image bank with search engine For sale on CD, has 6 case studies Designed "in clear, simple language, [to] cover the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease," was published by Hearst Books. Now the Yale University Medical Library has made it available via the web (in Adobe Acrobat [400+ pp.pdf], 1992 Welcome to Congenital Heart Disease on the Web Used by Univ. of NJ Medicine and Dentistry Diagnostic tests information server Online companion to Pocket Guide to Diagnostic Tests. Only lab tests. Coming are microbiol and radiology assays. Enter a test or disease name. Gives normal ranges, cost, comments, refs. Lung Disease, immune disease, allergy National Jewish Medical Center Hematopathology Table of Contents Collection of "peer-reviewed resources for physicians, other health care professionals, and the general public." It includes latest news, abstracts and selected full text from recent literature, clinical guidelines, and patient education material. For the latest in heath news try What's New, Health News Bulletins, Wellness News, Heath News, and Healthy Living. Many of these sections are updated daily. Heart Attack Survival Calculator Coal miners, uranium Decision support software must sign license agreement |
Infectious Disease/AIDS Microbial Information Network of China Virus, microbiology Inernational Association Physicians in Aids care
Internet/Web courses/Training/Tools Internet Tutorial, U. Albany Lib. Tutorial Finding Info on the Web. UC Berkeley Introduction to the Internet, a glossary of terms, things to know before searching the World Wide Web, how to create search strategies, and how to refine your topic and identify the search tools to fit your needs. webliographies, searchable DBs, journal, Utility that reduces the size of GIF files in order to decrease download time. Users simply enter the URL of the page that contains the GIF(s), and image sizes will be reduced up to 90%.can be optimized with best-fit colors, solids, safe dithered Information and summaries of key new sites. User Guide to computer networks substantial doc, avail as book, Dalhousie Univ., Halifax Acrobat book on internet res, media, graphics, sound, dvd, presentations, courseware dev, www dev, interactiving. A hotlist of good sites to learn about web or internet A tutorial Martindale's Health Science Guide to the Virtual Medical Center
Journals, Books online Medical Education Online, elec. journal J Neurosci -- Table of Contents Home page for Medical Education Online Review recent medical articles and provides a forum for participants to append comments. Url did not wor summary review of significant medical developments culled from 30 publications. American Society of Internal Medicine Bimonthly magazine (available in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only), what is happening in the internal medicine practice environment and what internists can do to survive and thrive in it. Interactive Healthcare Newsletter
Medical Informatics IMIA Internatinal Medical Informatics Association Education group interested in info about courses and prgram on MI education. Also have a list server Topic of 1998 info fair and should have links to other web sites. Medical Informatics Curriculum Survey and Responses AMIA Medical Informatics Training Programs Oregon Medocal Informatics program description Bill Hersh Oregon Health Sciences University Sue Frisch. Medical Computing Today was created earlier this year to serve as the hub of medical computing information and resources on the World Wide Web. Explanation of medical informatics and other resources. Clearninghouse including terchnology in med.
Medical Schools/Libraries
Aberdeen, Scotland, Medical CAL Unit Cambridge, UK, Clinical and Biomedical Computing Unit Bristol, Inst. Learning and Res. Technology Cambridge Medical Interactive Technology Faculty of Medicine Computing Centre mentioned by Betsy Anagnostelis, London Loyola Medical School, Stritch, LUMEN U. Mich. Learning Resource Center University Washington Health Links internet resources Cornell University Medical College Education Center Home Page SUMMIT (Stanford University) Home Page
Online directory of med software You must subscribe. $25/ yr Healthcare Computing software reviews Medical Software Reviews linked from HealthGate