Curriculum Vitae
Richard Heseltine
Dr Richard Heseltine is Director of Academic Services and Librarian at The University of Hull, where he has worked since 1992. In this capacity he is reponsible for all aspects of the management and development of the Universitys libraries, academic and administrative computing and use of learning technology. Prior to moving to Hull he worked for a number of years in the library automation industry, latterly as Director of European Operations for CLSI, the North American vendor of library automation systems. He was a member of the IT Sub-Committee of the UK Higher Education Funding Councils Libraries Review Group (the Follett Review) and now plays a prominent role in many of the activities of the Funding Councils Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), in particular as a member of the JISCs Committee on Electronic Information, and as Chair of the Management Committee of the Arts and Humanities Data Service and UK Office for Library and Information Networking(UKOLN). He also chairs the steering committees of a number of projects funded under the JISCs Electronic Libraries Programme (eLib).