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Title and content: an evaluation of their relation in periodicals as a support for decision making in the process of information in the area of health

Alice Ferry de Moraes, Rejane Ramos Machado
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
CICT / Biblioteca de Manguinhos
Av. Brasil, 4365 - Manguinhos/RJ

E-mail :
Telefone: (021) 542-4252 / 512-2001


Evaluation of the titles of scientific periodicals in health systems to ascertain whether, in fact, they reflect the contents.

METHOD: A survey of types of national and international titles published from 1993 to 1997, as the object of the analysis and its definitions. Comparison with their respective contents through direct observation and instructions to the author.

RESULTS: As linguistic symbols, titles, in general, do not reflect contents.Through research, various information characteristics have been identified and defined under the same type of title.

CONCLUSION: Information requirements have led scientific periodicals to frequent changes in their contents, while keeping their titles. It can be assumed that this occurs to maintain tradition, by ideological or commercial factors, and the absence of an editorial methodology. An awareness of the dichotomy between title and content of scientific periodicals is important for making decisions at the time of selecting a library collection, and the choice of a research instrument and its publication

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